
Employee Disputes

Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole represents employers in disputes with employees. The labor force is a living organization and is constantly changing. An issue with one employee will often spread like a virus, infecting other employees and their performance. Thus, it is important to act quickly once a dispute arises with an employee. Contact Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole if you have a dispute with an employee.

Employment disputes can be costly, and it is important that your company not get caught off guard. The easiest way to protect your business from costly employment disputes is to take preventive steps before an employee dispute begins. No matter whether your business is already involved in an employee dispute or whether you simply want to minimize the risk of future employment claims, Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole can help. Contact our Dallas business and employment law firm today.

What Types of Employment Disputes Might Arise?

Employment disputes are extremely common. There are countless types of employment disputes that might arise in the workplace. Some of the more common claims involve:

There are often short time frames in employment law. Once an employment claim arises, it is important to contact an employment attorney and take immediate action. Contact Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole today if you have an employment dispute.

What if a Charge of Discrimination is Filed With the EEOC?

An employee has the right to file a charge of discrimination with the EEOC. Often times, an employer can prevent an employee from filing a charge of discrimination with the EEOC by taking steps as soon as the employer is aware of the employee’s concerns. If a charge of discrimination is filed, an employer should investigate the employment claims and a respond accordingly. Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole can represent your business once an employment dispute arises. Our goal is to resolve the employment dispute and protect your company.

What Can You Do to Prevent Disputes With Employees?

Many employment disputes can be stopped or minimized by taking early preventative steps. One of the best ways to protect your business from costly employment disputes is by having regular audits to your employment practices. During this process, Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole will audit your employment practices and provide you with a comprehensive analysis on where our firm see dangerous pitfalls. Additionally, we can work with you to implement needed policies and procedures. Contact Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole today if you would like us to help you minimize the risk of employment claims and costly litigation.

Is Your Business Liable for a Supervisor’s Actions?

Probably yes, unless your business takes the appropriate steps to protect it from what is referred to as vicarious liability. There are numerous policies and procedures that your business can put in place to minimize the risk of claims and liability for actions of supervisors. Failing to implement these policies may cost your business if an employment claim arises. Dallas employment lawyer Stacy Cole can assist you with making sure the proper policies are in place and defend your business should a claim arise. Contact our business and employment law firm today.

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