
Internal Investigations

An employer should perform an investigation once an employee reports or expresses that he or she has been treated unlawfully, unfairly, or that the policies are not being followed appropriately. Our business and employment law firm can assist with internal investigations into employment disputes.

There are multiple reasons for a thorough investigation. An objective investigation into an employee’s claims will reduce the risk that other employees will have the same experience. More importantly, a complete and impartial investigation often provides a strong defense and reduces the risk of employer liability. Performing an appropriate investigation into an employee complaint may mean the difference between your company paying nothing and your company paying hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our employment law firm can protect your business from costly employment claims.

Not only is it important to do an investigation into an employee’s complaints, it is also important that the investigation be done correctly. A proper investigation should be focused and designed to determine the relevant facts, witnesses, and questions to be asked. However, mistakes in the investigation process can become costly and increase an employer’s liability.

Our business and employment law firm works with employers to assist in the investigation process. A proper investigation could save your business time, energy, and money in fighting employment disputes. Contact our employment law firm today.

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